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PC Game Quake 2 Windows


Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe game voor je PC? Misschien is dit spel Quake 2 Windows wel iets voor jou!

Quake 2 Windows is een PC game in het genre Shooter is geschikt voor spelers vanaf jaar en is uitgekomen in .

Specificaties PC Game Quake 2 Windows

Game platform




Type drager





4K ondersteuning


Omschrijving van de PC Game Quake 2 Windows

Quake II is a first-person shooter game that offers a more immersive and story-driven experience compared to its predecessor. The game is divided into three chapters, each with its own set of missions that follow your journey to disable the alien defense system. Unlike other games, Quake II requires you to travel between levels to solve puzzles and progress through the game. This adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement as you navigate through different environments such as an abandoned base, a warehouse, a detention center, and more. One of the unique features of Quake II is the use of a portable computer that provides in-game hints to help you solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. This adds a strategic element to the gameplay, keeping you engaged and on your toes throughout the game. Additionally, the detailed and functional environments in Quake II make the game more realistic and immersive. From aircraft in storage at a hangar to cells and guard stations in a detention center, each area is meticulously designed to enhance the overall gaming experience. Get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with action, challenges, and puzzles in Quake II for Windows.

Veelgestelde vragen over de PC Game Quake 2 Windows

Quake 2 Windows draait op Windows.

Quake 2 Windows valt onder het genre Shooter

Quake 2 Windows heeft een CD-rom.

De geadviseerde minimumleeftijd voor Quake 2 Windows is . Dit is een advies.

Quake 2 Windows is uitgekomen in . 

Quake 2 Windows is een speltype.

Quake 2 Windows heeft 4K gaming ondersteuning: Arcade.

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